Finally, the forms that media convergence may adopt when it is put into practice. It brings together the three cscomputing, communication, and contentand is a direct consequence of the digitization of media content and the popularization of the internet. Pdf media convergence concepts katarzyna kopeckapiech. Technological convergence is the process by which existing technologies merge into new forms that bring together different types of media and applications.
Convergence has transformed who uses these media and for what purposes, but it hasnt eliminated these media. Convergence occurs when content that typically is restrained to one specific medium is executed through multiple media channels. After years of evolution, internet services, telecommunications valueadded services, and even media services are converging for both consumers and industry. The ease of obtaining light arms also enables the convergence between the two types of groups as the light arms can be used as a fundraising means or operationally. Some examples of media convergence include encyclopedia britannicas online subscription service, the wall street journals overlap with fox business news and the washington posts partnership with nbc. Jenkins 2006 defined media convergence as the merger of different tools and equipment for the production. Media convergence is the joining, or converging, of distinct technologies into one. Technological convergence is a theory which refers to the tendency for technologies that were originally unrelated to become more closely integrated and even unified as they develop and advance. With it the volume of information and entertainment available is way, way higher, the price is almost always way, way lower, and yes, many people formerly in certain industries ar. Convergence culture is a theory which recognizes changing relationships and experiences with new media. What advantages of media convergence enable all types of media content to be accessed on a single device.
It allows media texts to be produced and distributed on multiple media devices. Media convergence happens when different two or more media sources join together. Different types of media dii l diigital media digital media indicates the use ofdigital media indicates the use of computer technology to combine various forms of media. Either the merging of previously distinct media technologies resulting from digitization and computer networkingsome of which are covered elsewhere in this articleor an economic strategy in which the media properties owned by communications companies employ digitization and computer networking. Television shows will have other types of media like text merged into them, and. When we talk of convergence between computers and television, we need to be. With so many different types of media, comes many different types of audiences. Convergence media history convergence media history explores the ways that digital convergence has radically changed the. Convergence is an ambiguous term used by various disciplines to describe and analyse processes of change toward uniformity or union. Implications of convergence introduction to media studies.
Convergence, convergence and convergence, but what the heck are you talking about. This is because younger kids and adults are good at this. Convergence can take many forms and since it is a buzzword for managers along with words such as viral, wordofmouth, social media, sustainability or economic crisis there are still many individuals that have difficulties to define what convergence really is. Media convergence, diversity, and democracy by neil shister introduction the complexity of democracy is both its defect and its virtue. A proposal 4 types of convergence in the media notes references. Contemporary research demonstrates increasing levels of consolidation, with many media industries already highly concentrated and dominated by a very small number of firms. The concept is roughly analogous to convergent evolution in biological systems, such that for example the ancestors of whales became progressively more like fish in outward form and function, despite. Cultural convergence, when stories flow across several kinds of media platforms, and when readers or viewers can comment on, alter, or. Concentration of media ownership also known as media consolidation or media convergence is a process whereby progressively fewer individuals or organizations control increasing shares of the mass media.
Media teachers have taken notice that the ones enjoying creating media are younger generations, like kids and young adults. Thus new media is nothing but the amalgamation of all types of media into. The most extreme example of technological convergence would be the asyet hypothetical black box, one machine that controlled every media function. The first significant international example of the merger of editorial teams was. The dimensions of convergence in the media industry.
Media previously made distinct by their technology of distribution have converged. Media convergence meaning in the cambridge english. Different types of chinese newspapers enjoy different degrees of freedom to pursue commercial goals, but none of them is. Forms of media convergence and multimedia content revista. The future is more media convergence leonardo chiariglione. Seth prue, etienne vongerichten, and lauren pearce. It takes completely separate ideas and smashes them together, so that were left with one big idea. D many corporate media strategies use the collection of data to personalize and serve up entertainment or other forms of media based on user preference.
Writing media history is no longer a matter of charting the historical development of an individual medium such as. Media convergence is a huge advantage because you can access all types of media on your phone or computer. It tends to initiate widespread changes in the organisation of journalistic work as well as. Key takeaways twentyfirst century media culture is increasingly marked by convergence, or the coming together of previously distinct technologies, as in a cell phone that also allows users to take video and check email. Today, there are many such technology examples like blogs, social media, news sites, video sites, forums and others wherein likeminded people can be targeted the best example will be online advertising, where each website. Media convergence is a theory in communications where every mass medium eventually merges to the point where they become one medium due to the advent. Media convergence changes journalism convergence is the keyword for one of the most amazing, new and ongoing processes changing mass communication, media companies and media landscapes. The jury is still out on how these different types of convergence will affect people on an individual and cultural level. Technological convergence, in which different kinds of technology merge. Its application in the communications sector, often referred to as media convergence, also encompasses valuable approaches and insights to describe, characterize and understand the digital creative economy. Convergence culture creates opportunities for multiple creative strategies and outlets across media, and the ability for people to communicate and act in unison.
Such merging of technological capabilities in devices is one example of media. Study guide chapter 1 introduction age of convergence. It shows that convergence is not a state where uniformity rules or where industry opportunities are reduced because they merge, but a state where increasing rewards are offered to industry and consumers. The easiest way to understand media convergence is to think of how separate types of mediasuch as broadcast, print and onlinehave merged together.
See more ideas about technological convergence, technology and technological singularity. The process of convergence is, the access people have on the internet to content from different types of media, 190. According to the merriam webster online dictionary, the word convergence refers as. You are able to text on your computer just like on your cell phone, search up things on the web, use social media, play games, watch movies and many more. Henry jenkins is accepted by media academics to be the father of the term with his book convergence culture. New media cannot be defined on black and white or compartmentalize in a very small domain because it is a conception arising from various other fields which added together produce a humongous domain. The most extreme example of technological convergence would be one machine that controlled every media function. The jury is still out on how these different types of convergence will affect people on an individual and societal level.
Organic convergence is multimedia multitasking, or the natural outcome of a diverse media world. The many types of convergence that companies face today are a direct result of virtually all information being created and stored digitally. As an idealized conception, democracy promotes equitable social order through the counterplay of interests while the rule of law protects individual citizens from the arbitrariness of the state. Types of convergence economic convergence, when a single company has interests across many kinds of media. Britannica encyclopaedia says, media convergence is a phenomenon that involves the interlocking of computing and information technology companies, telecommunication networks and content providers from the various media platforms like magazines, newspapers, radio, television, films and the likes. The article also noted that cultural, operational, and practical differences do exist that. Media convergence transforms established industries, services. The concept of media convergence ololadeganiyualabi. Media convergence, phenomenon involving the interconnection of information and communications technologies, computer networks, and media content. Media convergence describes the collaboration between, or fusion of, at least two types of media in mutually beneficial projects. Tvs are consumerlevel devices, which mean that they have to be cheap for the average joe being able to display the vast number of media types available today on the web macromedia, pdf, ps, realaudio, realvideo will be expensive and challenging you need a generalpurpose cpu and stuff like ram, os, etc.
Media convergence is also a business strategy whereby communications companies integrate their ownership of different media properties. Concepts of convergence fulfil different purposes and functions. The term technological convergence is often defined in a very generalized and simplified terms as a process by which telecommunications, information technology and the media, sectors that originally operated largely independent of one another, are growing together. Convergence makes possible new ways of creating, sharing and distributing information that help leverage and maximize its present and future value and support tactical and strategic business objectives. Paper i convergence and divergence in media different perspectives, by. Technological convergence is when different kinds of technology merge. Media convergence refers to the merging of previously distinct media technologies and platforms through digitization and computer networking. Many scholars and critics have noted that media ownership is controlled by an increasingly smaller number of megacorporations. Media convergence is the merging of mass communication outlets print, television, radio, the internet along with portable and interactive technologies through various digital media platforms. Technological convergence has both a technical and a functional side. The term is sometimes used interchangeably with multimedia, b t it ifi ll f tbut it more specifically refers to electronic media that works using digital codes rather than to. Converge means meeting at a point, it is synonymous to the words. It explores the flow of content distributed across various intersections of media, industries and audiences, presenting a back and forth power.
In digital convergence phase 2, as we embraced email, streaming media, internet broadcasts, online shopping, instant messaging, internet phone calls voip voice over ip technologies and the latest of all the media centers and we discovered what the internet had to offer, these devices took on one or more functions of the others. Convergence and divergence in media different perspectives 15 enlund n. Services carried by optical networks and other modern wireless pipes are. Clearly, convergence has been taking place at all these levels, although much slower than in more aggressive forecasts cf. Media convergence is the blending of multiple media forms into one platform for purposes of delivering a dynamic experience. New devices and technology usually handle one medium or accomplish some basic tasks. A convergence marketing strategy has the customer in the center, where he or she is targeted through all the communication means he uses with the aid of technology. One claims that the convergence promotes cooperation between journalists, and gives the people a sense that the media is a part of the community. The indian telecom services performance indicators pdf.
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